Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Rebates – Hawaii Energy

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Rebates – Hawaii Energy

Utility Incentive
Incentive Administrator
Hawaii Energy

Hawaii Energy administers the Electric Vehicle Charging Station rebate program on behalf of the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission, which offers rebates to commercial and multifamily dwelling customers for the installation of Level 2 and direct-current fast charging (DCFC) EVSE. Eligible applicants include individuals, non-profit organizations, private businesses, government entities, and homeowner associations or authorized entities on behalf of multi-unit dwellings. Rebates are available for new and retrofitted EVSE. Rebates are available in the following amounts: 

Level 2: First-time installation $4,500;  Station retrofit $3,000 

DCFC: First-time installation $35,000; Station retrofit $28,000 

Affordable housing developments are also eligible to receive rebates for the installation of Level 2 EVSE. Affordable housing developments are defined as those serving households making no more than 100% of the Area Median Income (AMI) as defined per county in the state of Hawaii. Rebates for affordable housing developments are available in the following amounts: 

Existing Developments: $5,000 

New Developments: $1,500 

Rebates are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis while funding lasts. A total of $400,000 is available for eligible EVSE projects installed between January 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. For more information, including program eligibility and requirements, see the Hawaii Energy Electric Vehicle Charging Station website.