Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Infrastructure Grants

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Infrastructure Grants

Financial Incentive
Incentive Administrator
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection offers competitive grants for the acquisition, installation, operation, and maintenance of publicly available DC fast charging equipment and hydrogen fuel cell infrastructure. Grant reimbursements are awarded after project completion in the amounts found after the link.


Eligible project locations are transportation corridors, destination locations, and locations that serve as community charging or fueling hubs. This program is funded by Pennsylvania's portion of the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust. For more information, including program guidelines, eligibility requirements, application deadlines, and instructions, see the Driving Pennsylvania Forward website. http://www.depgis.state.pa.us/DrivingPAForward/http://www.depgis.state.pa.us/DrivingPAForward/